Wellan Middle School Students Broaden Classroom Learning at the Newton Community Farm
This autumn, Wellan’s Voyager Middle School class is participating in an exciting experiential learning program! When most of us think of...

Jutta Lossner-Liang, Primary Teacher
Jan 31, 2020
Getting Out and Exploring Nature, Even in the Winter!
During this time of year, especially when it is cold and grey, wet and snowy, we may be thinking a lot of the warmer seasons and all the...

Amanda Cusanno, Primary Teacher
Jan 24, 2020
Changing Choices: 5 Ideas for Green Parenting
“Going green” has evolved into a relatively recent phenomenon. It has taken many people by storm in an attempt to help the environment...

Justine Brooks, Upper Elementary Teacher
Mar 1, 2019
Montessori Students Learn about Peace, Unity, and Identity through Cosmic Education
The stars, earth, stones, life of all kinds form a whole in relation with each other, and so close is this relation that we cannot...

Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Jun 1, 2018
School’s (Almost) Out for Summer!
It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year! Students, teachers, and parents have shared so many wonderful...

Katie Hamill, Primary Division Leader
Mar 5, 2018
Exploring the Montessori Science Curriculum
Children are naturally curious, and they have a tremendous ability to observe even the smallest of details. The Montessori science...

Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
May 15, 2017
Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play
Spring has finally sprung! At long last, we can shed the snow gear and enjoy more favorable weather outdoors. Spring is a wonderful time...