Technology for Good
4th Grade - Video Tutorials
In grade 4, students prepare instructional videos on specific technological tasks to make a Wellan "tech help library." The students choose a task within their expertise and prepare a script, record a video while demonstrating the steps on their screen, and edit the rough draft to prepare a short instructional video.
If you'd like to learn more, contact us at: techforgood@wellan.org
For Students - Keyboarding Without Tears Login

This fourth grader chose to help other students learn how to log into a keyboarding application. As new Chromebook users, students need support to navigate the browser and the menus within the app to access their accounts. This video slowly demonstrates each step while the voice-over explains the process.
For Students & Teachers - Google Docs 101

This video walks the viewer through creating a Google Document, demonstrating how to add text and insert images. The student includes the method for searching the internet and resizing images in the body of the document. This could be helpful to students and adults who are starting to use Google apps.