Elementary Class Pet Interviews
During this time while the school building is closed and our community stays home, Wellan's beloved classroom pets have taken up residence with teachers! Once again, we asked each caretaker to interview their class pet about life at their new home, their daily routines, and what they do to stay healthy. Find out what language Cosmo the gecko is learning, which exercises Severus the fish is practicing, and much more from our four-legged and finned friends. One thing is for sure... they really miss the students!
We'd like to give a heartfelt thanks to all the teachers caring for these animals.
The Wellan creatures are so lucky to have you!
An Interview with Cosmo (LE2 Gecko)

Are you still at school, or are you living somewhere new now that the school building is closed? Who is taking care of you?
I'm at Michael's house in his living room—specifically, on the bookshelf behind him when he talks to students.
Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?
I hunt mealworms instead of crickets now. They taste better, actually. They also are a lot easier to catch, I have to say. They just kind of wiggle around instead of making me chase them down. I'm also learning some Spanish—at least the people in this house are. I know how to say, “Buenas tardes, señorita, ¿cómo está usted?” Which as many of you know, means, “Good Afternoon Miss, how are you?” I also will know how to order a drink in a restaurant, if I ever go to a restaurant.
What does a normal day look like for you now?
I listen to Wellan Wired lessons or advisories, and I curl up inside my hiding spot and sleep, or I stretch across my basking rock. At night, though, I get up and move around.
What do you miss about school?
I miss the way LE2 students used to really make a big fuss over me and change my water twice a day and clean my sand and feed me crickets. I miss all the kids a lot, really. They were all very nice to me, but I want to give a shout out to Winnie, Nora, Alden, Isabella, Kian, and Awen, and others whose names I didn't learn but I know their faces. You know who you are. You've all been really nice to me, and I noticed. It's way quieter here, and honestly, a little boring. I want to come back home to school!
What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?
I'm getting at least 8 hours of sleep. I know that for sure. I'm crawling and soaking in the light when it's sunny. I am also keeping at least 6 feet away from other geckos, and of course, making sure Michael washes his hands with warm water and soap before he picks me up. I don't have to worry—he and his family have been very good about that.
Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?
First of all, to all my friends, I miss you and think about you in the way geckos do.
Enjoy something about every day. I sure do. Learning and doing something for others are good things to do every day. Know that your teachers are thinking about you and working to make interesting lessons and activities for you and are looking forward to the day we all are back in the building. Even though you don't always see them, they are working and thinking about you—a lot.
An Interview with Carlos (LE1 Crested Gecko)

Are you still at school, or are you living somewhere new now that the school building is closed? Who is taking care of you?
Now that the school building is closed, I am living in Framingham, MA with Mary Evelyn! Mary Evelyn has been taking great care of me.
Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?
Honestly, I have enjoyed sleeping a whole lot more! I know I wasn't too active in class during the school day, but these have been some of my best lounging days.
What does a normal day look like for you now?
A normal day looks like a whole lot of nothing! I have been sleeping every day until about 6:00pm. Once the sun sets, I have been sneakily moving around my tank. Thankfully Mary Evelyn covered a part of my tank with a dish towel, so when she turns the light on in the living room it doesn’t blind me. I have really appreciated that!
What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?
I have been climbing the walls of my tank at night to stay active. Oh! I have also been practicing changing my color so Mary Evelyn can’t find me!
Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?
I want the LE1 students to know that I really miss you all! It was so much fun seeing students learn how to feed and take care of me. I really appreciated how much you cared for me in the class. I appreciated how you would remind the teachers to keep my humidity levels up in my tank and that you remembered to spray my tank every day! I hope we see each other soon—I miss you all and send my love!
An Interview with Milo (UE Turtle)

Are you still at school, or are you living somewhere new now that the school building is closed? Who is taking care of you?
I am currently living in my summer home at Ruth's house. I have a nice tank set up here, next to a cuckoo clock in the dining room that chimes every hour. I can look out the window and watch the people walk by on the sidewalk. Ruth feeds me every morning and turns on my light to keep me warm.
Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?
I have been practicing my sunbathing skills. This isn't a new hobby, but it is one of my favorite activities. I love the feeling of the warm light on my shell.
What does a normal day look like for you now?
I wake up and eat my breakfast when my light turns on in the morning. I usually watch Ruth work for a few hours, swimming back and forth to make sure she sees me. Then I climb up on my rock and bask in the sun until dinner time.
What do you miss about school?
I miss all of my student friends who come to visit me every day! Ruth and her husband are great, but I miss the friendly faces of children who always come to see me when we are at school.
What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?
I like to swim laps of my tank. I try to do at least 50 a day before I settle in for basking.
Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy! Now that the weather is getting nice, maybe you can go out to a local pond and see if you can spot any turtles. If you do, make sure you think of me!
An Interview with Severus (Business Office Fish)
You might remember Severus from this 3rd Grade Internship post!

Are you still at school, or are you living somewhere new now that the school building is closed? Who is taking care of you?
Hi everyone! Severus here. I live in the Business Office next to P5, and I work with Heather, the Assistant Business and Operations Manager. Now that our school building is closed, I’m living in New Hampshire with Heather. She is taking care of me, and so is her Mom. Heather doesn’t know that her Mom gives me extra treats, but that will be our secret!
Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?
My favorite thing to do is to take naps on my warm and cozy tank heater, but staying healthy is very important to me. My goal is to exercise more because of all the extra treats I’m being given, so I have a soccer field, basketball hoop, and obstacle course at Heather’s house! Our school’s soccer team is amazing—I hope I can make the starting roster! Maybe Coach Steve will send me my very own Owls jersey?

Here is a picture of my athletic “field.” I can play football, soccer, basketball, limbo, swim through a tunnel, and more! (And, Heather is making a place in the field for me to take naps.)
What does a normal day look like for you now?
I ensure that Heather keeps me up-to-date on how my Wellan friends and our school building are doing. After she feeds me breakfast and I listen to her report, I make my bubble bed, then I take a nap. Around lunch time I watch Moana, my favorite movie, and then I take another nap. Now that my athletic field is ready to go, I am having some fin-tastic fun! (And then I have another nap.)
What do you miss about school?
I miss seeing everyone! I had lots of visitors, and it was nice to hear them talk to me and tell me about their day.
Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?
I can’t wait until we can all be back “in a school” at school together! Tell Grace, Adeline, and Everett that I said hello!
Curious how Wellan’s Beginner and Primary Class Pets are faring these days? Right this way!